Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Clear the way!

Please people. If you have a sidewalk in front of your house, please shovel/plow it as much as you do your driveway.

Today I went on the coldest run of my life so far. It took half of my run just to get feeling back in my fingers. Note to self, buy stretchy gloves tomorrow. But on the other (frozen) hand, I brought a running buddy today.

I decided to bring my 3 year old bichon dog along for the ride. He loved every minute of it though I'm sure his little paws were just as frozen as my fingers.

Anyways, half of the route that I went on had sidewalks, which is nice especially with a dog. However it was a lot of extra work because the pathways weren't very clear. Running on slushy snow was like running on sand. Each step I took shifted as my weight transferred from one foot to the other. I had to pay close attention to each step so I didn't get any injuries.

So please, for the safety of all runners, power walkers, dog walkers, etc, keep your sidewalks as snow free as your driveway.

Update 2/3/15 7:42pm: Ok so literally no more than 2 minutes has passed since I published this post and I saw this article on Facebook. Too funny!


  1. Someone recently told me that they think there's a law in Bismarck about clearing your sidewalks. Now I'm terrified of getting some sort of citation. But Steven leaves for work before 6 am, and until recently, got back after dark. And I have two small children who don't like to sleep at the same time. So finding an opportunity to clear the sidewalk in a timely fashion is challenging. :(

  2. I totally get that if the snow has freshly fallen. This was more of an annoyance 3 days after the last snowfall. Stay safe and warm Ashley!
