Today is June 4th. It has been exactly 5 months since I received my first Nutrisystem box. Has is been that long already? Or should I say has it only been that long? It's hard to tell which is appropriate as I think about how much I have gained (and lost!) so far this year.
First of all, I don't think I would even have been able to make it this far without the support of so many new friends I have made through the discussion boards. I'm always amazed at how open and inspiring these people are. I have grown close with so many of them that I feel like I've known them forever. They accept me for who I am and push me to work harder.
For the first time in a long while, I finally feel like me again. I don't feel overly embarrassed just walking into a room and most of the time I even like the way I look. I can actually enjoy a shopping trip, and I just might be able to fall in love with the beach again.
All that and 40 pounds lighter, in just 5 months. When I ordered NS, never in a million years did I think that I would be where I am today. Back then, this was only a wish, a dream. It was never even possible with the old me.
Now there's something they don't tell you that comes in that monthly brown box. Each month, a piece of a new and better you gets put into place. That's the real transformation. I always say that this journey is just as much mental as it is physical, and I believe that 100%.
That being said, there is no way I'm letting this Hot Tamale train slow down! I'm going to keep pushing and reach for the stars. Because now I know that it is actually possible.
Hakuna matata!